The Boeing 787 flight from Heathrow to New York today marks a groundbreaking achievement in the aviation industry's pursuit of sustainable practices. This long-haul commercial journey, utilizing 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made primarily from used cooking oil and plant-based products, signifies a departure from previous regulatory restrictions that limited airlines to 50% eco-fuel usage.

Virgin Atlantic, a key player in this initiative, acknowledges the flight's significance as a tangible step towards reducing the carbon footprint of air travel. Although not a zero-emission endeavor, the test flight demonstrates the industry's potential to make substantial advancements in environmental responsibility.
The use of SAF, which doesn't necessitate specialised engines or aircraft modifications, is viewed as a crucial strategy to achieve a 70% reduction in net emissions compared to traditional fossil fuels. However, challenges persist, particularly concerning the cost of SAF—currently three to five times higher than regular jet fuel. The fuel blend used in the flight, predominantly composed of hydro-processed esters and fatty acids (HEFA) derived from used cooking oils, faces scrutiny from environmental groups.

Concerns were raised about the sustainability of the fuel used in the flight, indicating the need for careful consideration of the environmental impact of SAF sources. Additionally, calls for increased government support, incentives, and scaled-up production underscore the industry's dependence on external factors for achieving ambitious SAF targets—such as reaching 10% SAF usage by 2030 and ultimately achieving "Jet Zero" by 2050.

A recent Royal Society report emphasized the magnitude of the challenge, noting that fulfilling these targets would require a significant portion of UK agricultural land. Professor Graham Hutchings of Cardiff University, who chaired the report, stressed the importance of a clear understanding of the strengths, limitations, and challenges associated with the rapid scaling up of new technologies in the aviation sector.
In essence, while the Virgin Atlantic test flight symbolises progress in sustainable aviation, it also highlights the intricate challenges and considerations integral to the industry's broader goal of substantially reducing carbon emissions.

Exciting news for UK companies! The Chancellor's budget statement earlier today introduced some changes to the R&D Tax Credits scheme, in line with the Finance Bill 2023.

RD Tax Group's opinion is that these changes are definitely a step in the right direction.
Starting from April 2024, the current R&D Expenditure Credit (RDEC) and SME schemes will be merged, simplifying the system and providing greater support for UK companies to drive innovation.
Loss-making companies will be taxed at a reduced rate of 19%, which equates to 16.2p per £1 of qualifying expenditure. Profitable companies will receive an above-the-line credit worth between 15% and 16.2% after tax, while the R&D-intensive scheme for loss-making SMEs remains standing.

tax relief UK

Additionally, the intensity threshold in the R&D intensives scheme will be reduced from 40% to 30% for accounting periods that start on or after 1 April 2024, allowing around an additional 5,000 SMEs to qualify for the enhanced 27% rate of relief.
A one-year grace period will also be introduced, providing certainty for companies that they will continue to receive relief for one year if they dip under the 30% threshold.

These changes will provide an additional £280 million of relief per year by 2028-29 to drive innovation in the UK. The government is also increasing HMRC funding by £5 billion, which we hope means a much-needed improved process in compliance checks.
If you're currently facing scrutiny from HMRC regarding your R&D Tax Relief claim or would simply like advice on how these changes may affect your claim, feel free to get in touch for an informal chat.


October is a month dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, a topic that deserves our attention throughout the year. World Mental Health Month (WMHM) serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of understanding, supporting, and prioritising mental well-being. In a world where the pace of life seems to quicken each day, taking the time to focus on mental health becomes not just a choice but a necessity.

One of the primary goals of WMHM is to destigmatise mental health issues. Encouraging open conversations about mental health helps challenge misconceptions and create a more supportive environment. Breaking down these barriers is crucial in fostering a society where seeking help for mental health concerns is met with understanding and empathy rather than judgment.

Education is a powerful tool for eradicating ignorance surrounding mental health. WMHM provides an opportunity to educate communities about the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, as well as strategies for prevention and intervention. By increasing awareness, we empower individuals to recognise when they or someone they know might be struggling and encourage them to seek professional help.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to mental health globally. The stressors of isolation, uncertainty, and loss have taken a toll on individuals' psychological well-being. WMHM is an apt time to reflect on the mental health impacts of the pandemic and to renew our commitment to supporting those affected. Initiatives that focus on post-pandemic mental health recovery and resilience building are essential components of this effort.

Employers, educators, and community leaders can play a pivotal role in creating spaces that prioritise mental health, offering resources and support for those in need.

Individuals must recognise the importance of self-care and well-being in maintaining good mental health. During World Mental Health Month, it's essential to highlight the significance of practices such as mindfulness, exercise, and adequate sleep in promoting overall well-being. Encouraging individuals to incorporate these habits into their daily lives contributes to a more resilient and mentally healthy society.

WMHM serves as a powerful reminder that mental health is a universal concern that requires collective attention. By destigmatising mental health, promoting education, addressing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, fostering supportive communities, and encouraging self-care, we can work towards creating a world where mental well-being is prioritised.

Let us use this month as a catalyst for change, sparking conversations and actions that lead to a brighter and more mentally healthy future for all.

Always remember, it’s okay not to be ok.

In a landmark move for environmental conservation, the ban on single-use plastics officially came into effect on October 1st, marking a significant step towards a greener and more sustainable future. This decision reflects a growing global awareness of the devastating impact of plastic pollution on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. As nations strive to address the environmental crisis, the ban on single-use plastics stands out as a crucial initiative with far-reaching implications.


The ban on single-use plastics is a response to the alarming rise in plastic pollution, which has reached crisis levels across the globe. Single-use plastics, including items like straws, bags, and disposable cutlery, contribute significantly to the proliferation of plastic waste. These items often end up in oceans, rivers, and landfills, posing a severe threat to marine life and ecosystems. Plastic pollution not only harms wildlife but also has implications for human health as microplastics enter the food chain.


The ban on single-use plastics is a critical measure to mitigate the environmental impact of these disposable items. Plastic pollution poses a severe threat to biodiversity, as marine animals and birds can mistake plastic for food, leading to ingestion and often fatal consequences. Additionally, plastic waste takes hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to the long-term degradation of ecosystems. The ban aims to reduce the production and consumption of these harmful items, addressing the root cause of the plastic pollution crisis.


While the ban on single-use plastics primarily targets environmental concerns, it also carries positive economic and social implications. The production and disposal of single-use plastics have long-term economic and social costs, including the expenses associated with waste management, cleanup efforts, and the impact on tourism and fisheries. By curbing the use of single-use plastics, nations can reduce these economic burdens and redirect resources towards sustainable alternatives, fostering a more resilient and eco-friendly economy.


The ban on single-use plastics encourages the adoption of sustainable alternatives, such as reusable bags, containers, and compostable materials. Businesses are urged to explore eco-friendly packaging options and consumers are called upon to embrace a more conscious and responsible approach to their daily choices. This transition not only benefits the environment but also promotes innovation in the production of sustainable materials, creating new opportunities for businesses to thrive in a green economy.


While the ban on single-use plastics is a significant step forward, its successful implementation will require collaboration between governments, businesses, and consumers. Adequate infrastructure for waste management and recycling must be in place to ensure a smooth transition. Public awareness campaigns and education initiatives will play a crucial role in encouraging behavioural change and fostering a culture of sustainability.


The ban on single-use plastics, effective from October 1st, is a decisive move towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. This initiative not only addresses the immediate threat of plastic pollution but also sets the stage for a broader shift in societal attitudes towards consumption and waste. As nations around the world take collective action, the ban on single-use plastics serves as a beacon of hope, signaling a commitment to preserving the planet for future generations.

The United Kingdom's commitment to fostering innovation and research and development (R&D) is evident in the latest figures released for the tax year 2021 to 2022. The provisional estimates indicate a robust increase in both the total amount of R&D tax relief support claimed and the number of R&D tax credit claims. Let's delve into the key highlights that reflect the nation's dedication to advancing technological and scientific endeavours.

Substantial Increase in R&D Tax Relief Support:

The provisional estimated amount of total R&D tax relief support claimed for the tax year 2021 to 2022 stands impressively at £7.6 billion. This marks an 11% increase from the previous year, showcasing the growing emphasis on incentivising companies to invest in groundbreaking research and development activities.

Surge in R&D Expenditure:

Corresponding to the increased support, the provisional estimate of R&D expenditure reached £44.1 billion, reflecting an 8% rise from the previous year. This upswing underlines a positive trend in the commitment of businesses across various sectors to allocate resources for innovation and technological advancements.

Rising Number of R&D Tax Credit Claims:

The provisional estimated total number of R&D tax credit claims for the tax year 2021 to 2022 saw a 5% increase from the previous year, totalling   90,315. This rise is attributed to a notable increase in claims across both the SME and RDEC schemes, affirming the broad participation of companies in the pursuit of R&D tax incentives.

Average Value of Claims on the Rise:

A fascinating trend emerges when we analyse the average value of R&D tax relief claims. The data indicates a 6% increase in the average value of claims in 2021 to 2022. This is primarily driven by a substantial 9% increase in the SME scheme, possibly reflecting a recovery from the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the preceding tax year.

Geographical Concentration of Claims:

Notably, there is a concentration of claims by companies with registered offices in London (22% of total claims and 32% of the total amount claimed) and the South East (15% of total claims and 18% of the total amount claimed). It is important to recognise that the registered office location may not necessarily align with the location of all R&D activities undertaken by these companies.

Sectoral Dominance in R&D Claims:

The Information & Communication, Manufacturing, and Professional, Scientific & Technical sectors continued to dominate R&D claims, contributing to 62% of the total claims and 67% of the total amount claimed for the tax year 2021 to 2022. This underscores the pivotal role played by these sectors in driving innovation and technological advancements.


The upward trajectory in R&D tax relief support and the increasing number of claims signify a positive landscape for innovation in the UK. As companies, particularly in key sectors, continue to invest in research and development, the nation is poised for sustained growth and technological leadership. These encouraging figures underscore the importance of R&D tax incentives in fostering a culture of innovation and competitiveness in the global landscape.

Although the statistics paint an optimistic picture of what the future looks like for R&D tax relief, it is important to understand that all businesses submitting R&D claims now face more scrutiny. With the recent introduction of the additional information form and the forthcoming pre notification requirement, HMRC are taking steps to prevent fraudulent or non-compliant claims from being accepted. Unfortunately, a symptom of this is the regular opening of enquiries which, some believe, has led to the rejection of legitimate claims. Only time will tell if this approach has been successful in eradicating the less compliant agents and rewarding the companies that are legitimately carrying out R&D projects.

Many SMEs claiming Research and Development Tax Relief have received state aid or grants to fund R&D projects. Depending on the nature of the subsidy, this can have a big impact on the value of the tax relief and the mechanism used to claim.

Many companies and accountants do not fully understand the rules, and this has led to a high number of claims being made on the incorrect scheme, which can have costly consequences for companies. In some cases, this can lead to time-consuming and daunting HMRC enquiries and monies having to be returned to HMRC, with the addition of interest and sometimes penalties.

We are passionate about helping companies to make complaint claims, and we have provided the following guidance to summarise the rules relating to subsidised R&D.

In essence, the impact of a grant on your R&D tax credit claim hinges on two primary considerations:

  1. Is the grant notified State aid or De Minimis aid?
  2. If notified State aid, is this project specific or not?

State Aid and Notified State Aid

Notified State aid is aid that has been notified and approved by the European Commission. Notified State aid includes Government-funded grants (eg. Innovate UK grants) and SME R&D tax relief.

It's essential to recognise that not all government grants fall into the category of notified state aid, and there are specific circumstances where a grant, typically considered State aid, may not be classified as such. When in doubt, your grant provider should be able to clarify whether your grant falls under notified state aid.

If your company has received notified State aid for a particular R&D project, it becomes ineligible to claim any other state aid for that same project. In other words, only one form of State aid is allowable per R&D project. Consequently, even if a portion of the project is self-funded, you cannot claim SME tax credits, as the SME scheme itself is classified as notified state aid.

However, it's worth noting that the RDEC scheme is not categorised as notified State aid. Therefore, companies can claim under the RDEC scheme for qualifying R&D costs funded by a grant. While the RDEC scheme offers a lower return, it remains a valuable option, and with the change in RDEC rates, which have increased from 13% - 20% for expenditure incurred from 1st April 2023, this will become more beneficial for many companies.

Grant Funding and De Minimis Aid

Innovate UK is the UK’s national innovation agency, and it supports business-led innovation by awarding government grants through innovation competitions. These grants range from £25,000 to £10 million.

In cases where a company has received less than €200,000 over three years, this assistance may qualify as De Minimis aid under the De Minimis Regulation. No notification or approval from the commission is necessary in this scenario, as it is not considered to impact market competition.

It's important to note that a company cannot apply for SME R&D Tax credits for the portion of the R&D project funded by De Minimis aid. However, it is eligible to claim SME tax credits for the part of the project that is not financed by De Minimis state aid. The subsidised portion of the qualifying activities can be claimed under the RDEC scheme.

Project-Specific and Non-Project-Specific Grants

Project-Specific Grants

As previously mentioned, if a company has received notified State aid for a particular R&D project, it is not eligible to apply for any other State aid for that same project (including SME tax credits, which fall under the State aid category). In such circumstances, the company can only make a claim under the RDEC scheme for the R&D project that received the project-specific grant, covering both grant funding and self-funded expenses. However, the company can still claim SME tax credits for any other R&D projects conducted during the claim period.

Non-Project Specific Grants

In cases where the grant received is non-specific, while it offers flexibility, it may limit the SME's capacity to apply for the SME scheme across all its R&D projects throughout the entire claim period. In such a situation, the company can file a claim under the RDEC scheme for grant-funded and non-grant-funded projects.

The transport industry is no stranger to innovation, perpetually existing at the forefront of technology and continually evolving to meet the changing needs of society. From the original invention of the wheel to the development of steam-powered locomotives and automobiles, transportation has always been a catalyst for progress and growth across the entire planet. In the current age of technological advancements, innovation is reshaping the transportation landscape like never before, paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and connected future. 

One of the most significant innovations in transportation is the rise of electric vehicles (EVs), where notable improvements in battery technology have led to increases in the range and efficiency of EVs, making them an increasingly viable option for everyday use. With the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions in an effort to combat climate change, EVs offer a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to conventional fossil fuel-powered vehicles. The extensive efforts to integrate charging infrastructure into a network of stations across the country further support the adoption of EVs by making charging stations widespread and convenient to access. There is still a lot of work to be done if EVs are going to replace their combustion-powered counterparts but with continued efforts to improve and innovate, we are well on our way to a cleaner future.

But what about vehicle safety?

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are another groundbreaking innovation seeking to revolutionise the transportation industry, conjuring images of a future where self-driving cars and trucks can navigate roads with precision. By leveraging advanced technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence in tandem with evermore sophisticated sensors, AVs have the potential to enhance road safety by eliminating human errors and, in doing so, facilitate smoother traffic flows, reducing congestion and increasing transportation efficiency. As AV technology matures, we can continue moving toward a future where shared autonomous fleets transform the way we commute, reducing the need for individual vehicle ownership and creating a safer system of transport on the roads.

But with that imagined future still a work in progress, what is being done to improve safety and reduce congestion on the roads right now?

The integration of technology into transportation systems has given rise to smart transportation solutions. Intelligent traffic management systems use real-time data, sensors, and predictive analytics to optimise traffic flow, reducing congestion and improving overall traffic efficiency. Smart infrastructure, such as connected traffic lights and adaptive sign control, can dynamically adjust traffic patterns based on demand leading to a reduction in travel times and emissions. In tandem with improving AV technologies, innovations in vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication enhance safety by enabling the exchange of information between vehicles and infrastructure, allowing drivers to react to potential hazards far more dynamically than.

To conclude, innovation is reshaping the transportation industry and revolutionising the way we move people and goods across the country and the globe. Innovation is consistently driving improvements in efficiency and sustainability for our transport systems, creating a society that is more connected than ever before. Embracing these innovations is essential for environmental challenges, safety, and improving the quality of transportation services. 

In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity is of paramount importance. As technology advances, so do the threats and challenges in safeguarding sensitive information. Fortunately, innovation in cybersecurity is on the rise, with innovative technologies and strategies emerging to protect individuals, businesses, and organisations from cyber threats. Over the years, cyber threats have grown in complexity, posing significant risks to data privacy and system integrity.  Traditional security measures such as firewalls and antivirus software have become insufficient in combating sophisticated attacks. This has prompted the need for innovation in cybersecurity, leading to the development of ground-breaking technologies and strategies that can counter evolving threats.

Innovation in cybersecurity has introduced cutting-edge technologies that have revolutionised the way we defend against cyber threats. Artificial intelligence (AI)and machine learning (ML) algorithms, for instance, can analyse vast amounts of data to detect patterns and anomalies, enabling proactive threat detection and response. These technologies can adapt and learn from new threats, improving over time and minimising human error.

Blockchain technology has also emerged as a game-changer in cybersecurity. Its decentralised and immutable nature makes it resistant to tampering and ideal for securing sensitive data and transactions. Blockchain is being utilised to enhance authentication mechanisms, secure supply chains, and safeguard digital identities.

Zero-trust architecture is another innovation gaining traction. It operates under the principle of "trust no one," requiring strict identity verification and access controls at every stage of communication, regardless of the user's location or device. This approach minimizes the risk of unauthorised access and lateral movement within networks.

Innovation in cybersecurity extends beyond technologies to include collaboration and threat intelligence sharing. Organisations are realising the benefits of working together to combat common threats. Sharing information about the latest attack vectors, vulnerabilities, and indicators of compromise allows for faster detection and response, strengthening the overall cybersecurity ecosystem.

Government initiatives, industry collaborations, and information-sharing platforms have been established to foster collaboration and exchange threat intelligence among organisations, enabling collective defence against cyber threats.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, innovation in cybersecurity is vital to keep pace with the changing landscape. Cutting-edge technologies, such as AI and blockchain, are transforming the way we protect digital assets and sensitive information. Adopting a zero-trust architecture and emphasising collaboration and threat intelligence sharing further fortify our defences.

The future of cybersecurity lies in continued innovation, as experts strive to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. By leveraging the power of emerging technologies, fostering collaboration, and sharing knowledge, we can create a safer digital environment for individuals, businesses, and organisations.

In the face of relentless cyber threats, the ongoing pursuit of innovation in cybersecurity remains essential to safeguarding the digital frontier and ensuring a secure and resilient digital ecosystem.

Renewable energy can be defined as energy derived from natural resources that can be regenerated, and most importantly, used in replacement of environmentally damaging fossil fuels.

The omission of fossil fuels can significantly reduce air pollution and the production of harmful greenhouse gases, including Carbon Dioxide and Methane.

Examples of renewable energy sources are listed below:

  1. Solar energy (converting the sunlight to generate electricity and heat)
  2. Wind energy (converting kinetic energy from using wind turbines to generate electricity)
  3. Hydro energy (converting kinetic energy from free-flowing water to produce electricity)
  4. Tidal energy (converting kinetic energy of tidal waves and currents to generate electricity)
  5. Geothermal energy (converting heat below the Earth’s surface to generate electricity, in addition to producing heating and cooling mechanisms)
  6. Biomass energy (using organic matter such as plants to generate heat and electricity)

How Can Your Business Help the Environment

Implement On-Site Renewable Energy Systems

Wind and solar power energy systems can be introduced at various scales, from initially undertaking trialing and development for small off-grid systems in rural areas, leading to the advancement of this methodology for implementation to large utility-scale installations.

The development of on-site renewable energy systems, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to generate clean electricity can include advancing areas in turbine design, photovoltaic cells, and energy storage. These systems can be integrated into your company's operations, powering manufacturing facilities, offices, or data centres.

Support Renewable Energy Innovation

The allocation of financial and logistical resources can help in supporting research and development efforts in renewable energy technologies by creating partnerships with universities and research institutions working on breakthroughs in solar, wind, energy storage and power systems or teaming up with start-up companies working on advancements in other renewable, sustainable, and economical energy areas.

Benefits to Your Company Upon Supporting the Development of Renewable Energy Resources

Job Creation and Economic Growth

The wind and solar power industries have seen rapid growth in recent years, leading to substantial job creation and economic development. Building and maintaining wind and solar farms, manufacturing equipment, and developing associated technologies are a few examples of areas that have provided employment opportunities across various skill sets.

Financial Incentives and Company Cost Savings 

Government incentives and subsidies are available to promote the development and use of renewable energy sources including R&D Tax Credits, grants, and feed-in tariffs, to offset against your company’s costs to improve profitability.

Furthermore, implementing renewable energy solutions can help reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and traditional energy sources with their expensive and varying price rates, which could result in long-term company cost savings by using renewable energy expenses allowing more stable and predictable cost structures in budgeting and financial planning.

Enhanced brand reputation and customer loyalty

Adopting renewable energy practices and promoting cleaner air quality, can improve your company's brand reputation and demonstrate a commitment to a more sustainable future. As consumers and stakeholders are becoming increasingly invested in eradicating environmental issues within our control, they are more likely to support companies that prioritise renewable energy. This positive brand perception can attract customers, enhance customer loyalty, and provide a competitive edge in the market for your company.


Innovation plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development for a nation. It refers to the process of creating and implementing new ideas, products, services, or processes that bring about improvements and advancements. Here are some key reasons why innovation is important for the national economy:

In summary, innovation is a catalyst for economic growth, job creation, productivity, and competitiveness. It drives technological advancements, attracts investments, and fosters sustainable development. Nations that prioritise and support innovation create a favourable environment for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals to thrive, leading to a stronger and more prosperous national economy.

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